‘Seeing Voices’ Voice of the Child Report Launch in Louth

'Seeing Voices'

The Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, Roderic O’Gorman, welcomed the launch of our “Seeing Voices – Voice of the Child” report.

Funded by Louth CYPSC and compiled by Mosaic Digital Solutions for Early Education, this report was an evaluation of a joint initiative between The Genesis Programme, Louth CYPSC and Louth County Childcare Committee.

The “Voice of the Child” initiative examined how we can capture the voice of young children in an early years setting through the implementation of training and specially designed digital tools.

The event today was facilitated by Sharon Manning of the Louth County Childcare Committee and we were also joined today by the Ombudsman for Children’s Head of Participation and Rights Education – Dr. Carmel Corrigan, who spoke to the importance of Child Participation as a right and the importance of listening to young children who may express themselves in a multitude of ways.

Contributions were also made by Louth LEADER Partnership Chairperson Frank O’Brien, who welcomed everyone on behalf of the Partnership and Irenaeus Daly, Manager of Claddagh Treasures Pre-School and Holy Family Community Crèche.

The report was presented by Avril McMonagle of Mosaic Digital Solutions and received by The Genesis ABC Programme Manager Gavin McGee who thanked all involved in the completion of the “Voice of the Child” Project.

You can download and read the report by clicking on the following link:  VOC Report … PRINT AND WEB VERSION 28.1.22.pdf

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