Public Consultation on a National Plan for Irish Language provision in Early Learning and Care (ELC) and School-Age Childcare (SAC)
Following on from the launch of the public consultation on a national plan for Irish language provision in Early Learning and Care (ELC) and School-Age Childcare (SAC), on 06/06, DCEDIY are encouraging the ELC and SAC sector, early years educators, practitioners, and parents to engage with the consultation through completing the online survey and /or to express their interest in participating in the focus groups (please contact
All information on the consultation is available here.
Táimid ag lorg do thacaíocht leis an gcomhairliúchán poiblí ar Phlean Náisiúnta do Sholáthar Gaeilge san Fhoghlaim agus Cúram na Luath-Óige (ELC) agus sa Chúram Leanaí d’Aois Scoile (SAC).
An féidir libh aird a chuir ar an gcomhairliúchán le suíomhanna, na hoideoirí luathbhlianta agus grúpaí tuismitheoirí chun páirt a ghlacadh sna ghrúpaí fócais (i bpearsan nó ar líne, léirigh spéis le ) agus /nó an suirbhé a líonadh isteach.
Tá gach eolas ar fáil anseo
Cóiméad do shúile amach do na fógraí agus roinn iad ar na meáin sóisialta, chomh minic agus is féidir.
Tusla Guidance Documents and Resources
Tusla have developed a guidance documents and resources for everyone working in early years services – please find a range of guidance documents on Tusla’s resource page along with report documentation on ResourcesTusla – Child and Family Agency
Practitioners CPD Webpage
The DCYA has launched a new web-page where you will find free, online CPD resources, developed and made available through the cooperation of a number of agencies. The resources are designed to support service planning and practitioners’ professional development. Further free, online CPD resources will be added to the web-page over the coming days and weeks.
The web-page includes templates for recording CPD activities carried out, to support services to demonstrate compliance with the requirement of the DCYA Temporary Covid-19 Wage Subsidy Childcare Scheme that services should engage, where possible, in training and CPD during the closure period. See link here –
National Síolta Aistear Initiative- CPD
The learning experiences in this CPD have been developed to support early years practitioners in becoming familiar with some of the resources on the Aistear Síolta Practice Guide. Please note that you can view and edit the learning experiences with Adobe Acrobat only. You can read how to do this by clicking this link here.
Each learning experience:
- Contains viewing and reading materials to support you in your professional role working with Aistear: the Early Childhood Curriculum Framework and Síolta: the National Quality Framework for Early Childhood Education
- Is linked to Aistear’s themes and Síolta’s standards
- Contains a section at the end for key reflections on learning and possible future actions.
If you are not already familiar with the Aistear Síolta Practice Guide you might like to begin by clicking on the learning experience here: Introduction to the Practice Guide.
If you are already familiar with the Aistear Síolta Practice Guide, you can go directly to the learning experiences by following this link and scrolling to the bottom of the page.