Development of a National Model of Parenting Support Services

A collaborative working group set up by the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth is currently developing a national model of parenting support services.

Parenting support is the provision of information and services aimed at strengthening parents’ knowledge, confidence and skills to help achieve the best outcomes for children and their families

Parenting supports include parenting programmes, information sessions, one-to-one advice and support, group-based supports, parent mentoring, home visiting programmes, drop-in advice clinics, support helplines and online parenting supports

As part of this work the group would like to hear from a wide range of stakeholders with an interest in parenting supports. This includes parents, providers of parenting supports and others working with children and families.

The aim of this consultation is to gather thoughts and ideas on improving the development and delivery of parenting support services for all parents. For more information on the work to develop a national model of parenting support services please click here.

Please note that wider family-focused policies and supports such as financial supports, educational supports, housing, mental health services and children’s services are outside the scope of this consultation.

The consultation is available on EU Survey and submissions will be accepted up to the 16th of April. Please click here to participate. For an Irish language version, please click here.

Please share details of the consultation with anyone you think may be interested in contributing.

Kind regards,

Parenting Support Policy Unit

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