CYPSC Mapping of Services Survey


Children and Young People’s Services Committees (CYPSC) were established across Ireland on a phased basis over a 10-year period commencing in 2007.  The CYPSC’s aim to achieve better outcomes for all children through effective integration and planning of services at a local level between statutory, community and voluntary service providers.

Laois/Offaly and Longford/Westmeath CYPSC’s are jointly undertaking an important exercise to map the current level of children and young people’s services in the area.  The purpose of the exercise is to give a better understanding of the range and level of local services.  This in turn will assist in planning an integrated approach for services aimed at achieving the best possible outcomes.

The age remit for children’s services is currently 0 – 24 years.  Whilst many organisations have a specific responsibility to provide services directly to children, Laois/Offaly and Longford/Westmeath CYPSC’s recognise that targeting overall family supports is also a crucial element of enhancing the development and wellbeing of children and young people.

We are seeking your input into our brief survey which aims to capture the level of service provision along with key challenges encountered by service providers.  If your organisation provides more than one service, it may be necessary to complete more than one survey as questions are designed to capture service specific information.

We acknowledge that the service arena is diverse and widespread.  We also acknowledge that children and young people consist of many cohorts in terms of age, characteristics, and need. We recognise that urban and rural communities can experience distinct challenges.

It is important that we capture enough information to give a comprehensive picture.  If you are in contact with other children’s services, we would appreciate if you would encourage them to complete the survey also.

We thank you in advance of completing the survey and very much appreciate your efforts to work with us in creating an effective environment to work towards achieving the five national outcomes for children and young people as set out in Better Outcomes, Brighter Futures the National Policy Framework for Children and Young People 2014 – 2020.

To complete the survey by Tuesday 28th November 2017, please go to the following link:





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