Communication issued to providers of the resumption of compliance checks on the ECCE programme from 19 April and resumption of DE Inspections for April-June.



Dear Provider,

We are writing to you today regarding the resumption of compliance checks on the ECCE programme from 19 April. We also wish to advise you of the Department of Education’s (DE) arrangements for the inspection of ELC settings for April – June 2021.

Resumption of DCEDIY compliance checks on the ECCE programme from 19 April

Further to the communication issued on 15 February 2021, when the DCEDIY announced that compliance checks would resume on a staggered basis, Pobal will now commence compliance checks on the ECCE programme from 19 April. 

The ECCE compliance checks will be carried out remotely (desk-based) and in full compliance with public health advice. The ECCE checks will also contain checks on AIM funding. Services who are selected for ECCE compliance checks will be required to submit relevant documents to Pobal, who will then review them. This may involve additional correspondence where clarifications are sought.

Resumption of compliance on other DCEDIY funded schemes, including NCS, is expected to follow in the coming weeks and advance notice will be given.

Correspondence in relation to previous compliance checks, notably CCSP compliance checks which commenced in late 2020, will resume to allow completion of current compliance checks.

If your service is selected for compliance checks and you are experiencing difficulties in responding to Pobal’s compliance requests, we would urge you to contact Pobal at for assistance, as soon as possible. Pobal, when contacted, can discuss possible options to help ease the administrative burden associated with compliance checks.

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