Author Archives: longford CCC

Minister O’ Gorman Issues Statement to Early Learning and Childcare Providers

From Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth  Published on 31 December 2021 Last updated on 31 [...]

Decembers DCEDIY Early Years e-bulletin now available

The December Early Years e-bulletin is now available. The e-Bulletin includes updates from the Department [...]

DCEDIY Covid-19 Digital Resource Pack

From Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth  Published on 20 December 2021 Last updated on 21 [...]

Weekly Bulletin 17.12.21

To view this weeks bulletin 13th-17th December, please click on this link

Grant Programme for Improved Ventilation and Outdoor Play 2021

The Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth Roderic O’Gorman TD, is pleased to [...]

Government Programme Payment Dates

Please see the below payment dates for early year’s programmes over the Christmas and New [...]

EYPC and NCS Parent Support Centre Opening Hours

Please see below Opening hours for EYPC and NCS Parent Support Centre over the Holiday [...]

Weekly Bulletin 10.12.21

To view this weeks bulletin, please click here,

NCS and CCSP: End-of-year maintenance announcement

Dear Service Provider, As it is coming up to the Christmas holidays and the end [...]

Minister O’Gorman launches Nurturing Skills: The Workforce Plan for Early Learning and Care and School-Age Childcare (2022 – 2028)

From Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth  Published on 7 December 2021 Last updated on 7 [...]

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