Author Archives: longford CCC

Learner Fund Bursary – Now Open

The Department of Children & Youth Affairs (DCYA) has opened the Learner Fund Bursary (announced early 2017) [...]

Healthy Ireland Smart Start

Today four Co. Longford Early Years Services as well as one Co. Cavan Early Years [...]

My Experience of being an Early Childhood Student by Ciara Finnegan

It wasn’t my intention when I was doing the leaving cert that I would go [...]

My Experience in the Early Childhood Sector as a Student – Niamh Brady

I always wanted to go into the caring profession, but I never thought it would [...]

2018 Childcare Capital Programme application guidelines released

2018 Childcare Capital Programme application guidelines released ‘Play areas, extra places and maintenance to be [...]

Activities for the Family over the break

We are now almost at the end of 2017 and a time where some families [...]

Inclusive Practice

At this time of year, it is important that you think about how inclusive your [...]


Observations Regulation 19 states: A registered provider shall, in providing a pre-school service, ensure that: [...]

Science in Your Service

 This week is Science Week and it’s important that you think about how your service [...]

Inclusion in Your Early Years Setting

Inclusion in your Early Years Setting  refers to a process involving a programme, curriculum or educational [...]

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