A Thank You to Minister Katherine Zappone from Teach Leanbh, Co Longford


Nothing Compares


I remember the days in clothes with room to grow

We played in the fields and made plans of our own

We lay on the hills

Looking up at the sky

With dreams of what we would be

Bye and Bye



A Gift of Giving

The Lovely Bronagh, the practitioner, known for her wonderful social skills knocks gently on our preschool door. “Excuse me Margaret” are your expecting a delivery? There is a courier at the front door with three big boxes. I look up from a lovely interaction with a little boy about his new shovel to reply “No Bronagh nothing today”. Laura the other practitioner in the room pitches in with “I’d say that they are the materials that Bernie spoke about at the Equality and Diversity training from the AIM model” . Well! replied Bronagh quick with the witt “Zappone has pulled out all the stops, definate vote catchers I would say”.

A memory evokes from childhood of the great sense of excitement had, when auntie Bridie’s parcels arrived from America at Christmas time, and the promise it held. Those memories etched forever in my mind the beautiful books held within which told great stories of pirates, places and kings that sparked a wonderful imagination in my soul and a love of story telling centuries old.

In that moment I wanted to share that same sense of excitement with our wonderful children in our setting.

I excuse myself and take leave of my room promising to return in a moment. I move to meet the courier weary from his day who quickly assures me that indeed the bounty has arrived, he supports with bringing the boxes around to the side entrance. I knock tentively on the door and invite myself within to seek support and help from the children, “Children” a wonderful surprise, Dr Katherine Zappone has sent us parcels to share, as we proceed into the room a little boy who is known for his turn a phrase shouts “Be God” there is a lot! Are the all for us? Indeed they are all for us to share.

Amest a sea of purple paper boxes and tape a glimmer of shimmer and shine starts to appear. I sit for a moment to take in the view. The expressions of excitement, wonder and anticipation fills the air.

Aistear and Siolta is quite evident today. The children touch, explore and try so hard to share their new bounty. We, the practitioners, tentively support with their play.

A little girl likes the sand and the feeling it gives as she squeezes it through her baby fingers while another has chosen the squigz and shares with his two firm friends.

Two children on the other hand have chosen the ribbon and dance with a jig. Others have found a home in the boxes and are building a den. Laura the practitioner has taken a fancy to the puppets and is playing. Childlike again.

As the week unfolds we wallow in our play and calm descends, everything has found a home and a place of its own.

A little boy with allergies has found evident enjoyment with the Kenetic Sand and has designed volcanoes and tunnels. The little girl who experiences transitional challenges has found a friend with the warm cuddly and has named him glow.

The ribbons I would say are hugely popular creating a rainbow or kite for everyone to see. The wobbly cushion has found a home with a friend who experiences challenges at snack time and is known to be seated first each day.

Friday arrives and I reflect on how the week has been spent. The sweet scent of summer is everywhere to explore. Our bluefinch is still nesting her eggs. The potted plants with care have started to peak there little heads. The grey mare awaits the birth of its foal and the children and staff at Teach Leanbh like so many other countless preschools around the country have been empowered by your beautiful bounty


Go Raibh Mhaith Agat a Aire.

Margaret Connell and Staff of Teach Leanbh, Soran, Ballinalee, Co Longford


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