Transitions in Early Years

“Aistear and Síolta highlight the importance of supportive and smooth transitions in early childhood. A transition is the process of moving from one situation to another and taking time to adjust.”(Aistear Siolta Practice Guide

Does your Transitions Policy reflect all aspects of Transitions in your setting?

For example:

  • The very first Transition from Home to your Service at the beginning of the year?
  • Daily transitions from Home to your Setting
  • Transitions within your setting from activity to activity?
  • Moving from indoor learning to outdoor learning and vice versa.
  • Tidy Up Time
  • Transitions from your setting to home.
  • Attending additional services such as Speech Therapy, Dentist, Doctor
  • Moving from your setting at the end of the year to either another setting or to      Primary SchoolThere may be many other transitions in a full daycare setting such as moving to a new room, a change in key worker, a change in children, attending. This list is not exhaustive and it is good practice for your team to evaluate what transitions are evident in your service.

How do you support Transitions in your Service? You will find a self-evaluation tool in the Aistear Siolta Practice Guide which is an excellent resource in supporting your team in reflecting on transitions within your setting. This also supports your long term planning process. You will also find examples for practice as well as an Action Plan template which is ideal for using in staff meeting and implementing change.

Follow the link below to view the Transitions Pillar on the Aistear Siolta Practice Guide where you will find the above as well as many other useful resources.

Longford County Childcare Committee published `Preparing for Primary’, which is a useful resource for parents and families who use your service. Contact our office on 043 3342505 if you wish to obtain a copy.

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