Tag Archives: Longford

Men in Early Years

When talking about men in early years services we first need to acknowledge the lack [...]

Gardening in Early Years

Gardening in Early Years Summer is here and that hopefully means more time for gardening [...]

The Benefits of Music in the Early Years

The Benefits of Music in the Early Years Music is a great benefit to the [...]

Multi-Lingual Preschool Aged Children

Multi-Lingual Preschool Aged Children What is Multilingualism? Multilingualism means using more than two languages, for [...]

Longford and Westmeath Local Area Coordination of Disability Services Initiative

Back at the end of 2015 Longford County Childcare Childcare (LCCC) partnered with Westmeath County [...]

Community Involvement

Community Involvement Community involvement in your early years setting  requires good networks and strong communications. This [...]

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