Parent and Toddler Groups

What are Parent and Toddler groups?

Parent and Toddler groups are usually a group of mums and dads or childminders who meet once a week to socialise for an hour or two and have a cuppa while their child/children play together. Sometimes these groups run different activities like first aid training or have talks on healthy eating etc so you can get far more out of them than you might think. However, walking into a Parent and Toddler group for the first time can be nerve wrecking but remember everyone there did it once too and there are also benefits to going.


There are benefits to going to a Parent & toddler groups but what are they? Parent and Toddler groups provide a relaxed, informal and friendly setting were parents/carers can share the stresses, anxieties and pleasures of caring for and bring up young children. It is also a great place to meet new friends or get to know the locals if you are new to an area whether than is in a small rural community or a large city. It is also important developmentally for children that they get the opportunity to communicate and socialise with other children so this may be the place for that to happen.

Some Tips

-There is usually a small charge €2 or so for the tea/biscuits so have some change with you.

-Many groups have Facebook pages so you can get a feel for what goes on at the group so make sure to look them up.

-It’s also good to know that Parent and Toddler groups aren’t just for parents and their ‘toddlers’, most groups welcome children of all ages.

How to find them

So, where do you go? Longford County Childcare Committee can provide you with the contact details for a number of Parent & Toddler groups in Co. Longford on our website Your local Public Health Nurse or GP should also know of the groups in your local area.

If there is no group in your area and you would like to set up a parent and toddler group, please contact our office on 043 3342505 for set up and grant information.

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