Regulation 19 states:
A registered provider shall, in providing a pre-school service, ensure that: each child’s learning, development and well-being is facilitated within the daily life of the pre-school service, through the provision of the appropriate activities, interactions, materials and equipment, having regard to the age and stage of development of the child appropriate and suitable care practices are in place in the pre-school service, having regard to the number of children attending the service and the nature of their needs.
By adhering to this regulation, services should be ensuring that they are Tusla compliant by carrying out observations regularly.
Observations should capture the progress of the child in your service in a holistic manner which should reflect the overall mission statement of your service. Observations helps you with your curriculum planning to enhance the learning and development of each and every child in your service. Systematic observations can be helpful in identifying behavioural concerns such as patterns that may trigger different challenging behaviour.
Every child is unique. Regular meaningful observations captures each child’s stages of development. By gathering this information regularly, you, as the practitioner, can understand each child’s own unique development progress, their strengths and weaknesses, their abilities and interests,
Who should have access to Observations?
- Room Leader (staff as needs apply)
- Parents
- Authorised Persons e.g. Tusla Early Years Inspectors
Create your own system that all staff are aware of. Make a plan for who and what you will observe. Use templates that you may have already to ensure that your observations are meaningful for the information you require. Ensure observations are carried out in a confidential manner and are non judgemental. Don’t use personal interpretation, record actual facts. Always share observations with parents seek their feedback.
If you feel that Observations is an area where you require further supports, contact any of the Support and Development team at Longford CCC for support.