Information webinar on the New Funding Model and the Workforce Development Plan

Dear Provider,

The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY) invites you to an information webinar on two major projects currently underway in the Department – the development of a new funding model for early learning and care and school-age childcare and a Workforce Development Plan for the Sector.

This webinar ‘the future of the workforce and the future of funding within the early learning and care and school-age childcare sector: key consultation findings, next steps’ will outline the key findings from the programme of consultation that commenced in August 2020, as well as plans for the next phases of both projects.  

The information webinar will take place on Wednesday 16 December, 2020 from 18:00 – 19:00.

If you wish to attend this event, please register for a ticket at on our Eventbrite page here.

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