Force Majeure for service closures due to Storm Eunice

PIP/Hive Announcement 17.02.22

Due to the extreme nature of Storm Eunice and the threat of multi-hazard weather events as confirmed by Met Éireann, the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth is advising that early learning and care (ELC) and school-age childcare (SAC) services in counties where Status Red wind warnings are in place and in counties where Status Orange snow and wind warnings are in place should not open tomorrow 18 February. 

All ELC and SAC services should keep up to date with the current weather warnings which are carried on all national and local news bulletins and in particular any change in the status warning for their area.

A Status Red Alert has now been issued by Met Éireann relating to severe wind for counties:

  • Cork
  • Kerry

Status orange snow and wind warnings have issued for counties:

  • Donegal
  • Mayo
  • Sligo
  • Leitrim
  • Roscommon

Met Éireann has advised that this is a multi-hazard event with wind and heavy snow. Storm Eunice will bring heavy sleet and snow leading to blizzard-like conditions in parts with treacherous driving conditions. The storm is expected to impact most during early morning commuting hours and this will make journeys to ELC and SAC services extremely hazardous in the morning.

Please note, that services located in the areas subject to either red or orange snow and wind alerts are not required to apply for Force Majeure and do not need to contact Pobal to advise of closure.

All other ELC and SAC services may open subject to local conditions. Services should have regard to the guidance on on safe opening.

If service providers located outside the red or orange snow and wind alert areas are required to close, an application for Force Majeure (found on the Hive) must be submitted to Pobal via a service request on the Early Years Hive selecting the following dropdown options:

  • Request program type: User Account Management
  • Request type: ‘ Force Majeure’
  • Request type detail: Force Majeure Covid/Standard

Early Years Team (Pobal)

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