Policies and Procedures

Schedule 5
As part of the CHILD CARE ACT 1991 (EARLY YEARS SERVICES) REGULATIONS 2016 a service is required to have certain policies in place, it states:
Policies, procedures etc. of pre-school service
10. A registered provider of a pre-school service shall ensure that the written
policies, procedures and statements specified in Schedule 5 are in place for the
Policies, procedures and statements
1. (a) statement of purpose and function;
(b) complaints policy;
(c) policy on administration of medication;
(d) policy on infection control;
(e) policy on managing behaviour;
(f) policy on safe sleep;
(g) fire safety policy;
(h) inclusion policy;
(i) outings policy where children attending the service are brought on
such outings;
(j) policy on accidents and incidents;
(k) policy on authorisation to collect children;
(l) policy on healthy eating;
(m) policy on outdoor play where such play is provided to children
attending the service;
(n) policy on overnight services where the service is an overnight preschool
(o) policy on staff absences;
(p) policy on the use of the internet and photographic and recording
(q) recruitment policy;
(r) risk management policy;
(s) settling-in policy;
(t) staff training policy;
(u) supervision policy.
Please click here for the CHILD CARE ACT 1991 (EARLY YEARS SERVICES) REGULATIONS 2016, to continue reading schedule 5.
Developing Policies, Procedures and Statements in Early Childhood Education and Care Services: A Practical Guide
Please refer to Tusla’s Policies Procedures and statements in Early Childhood Care and Education Services:A Practical Guide. The guidebook, policy samples/templates and other documents provided below have been developed by Barnardos in collaboration with Tusla to support you, as an early years provider, to develop your own set of policies, procedures and statements to meet the requirements of the Child Care Act 1991 (Early Years Services) Regulations 2016
Also available on the Tusla website is sample policies and procedures, follow this link here.
The Quality and Regulatory Framework (QRF)
The Early Years Inspectorate has developed a Quality and Regulatory Framework (QRF), to support registered Early Years Services to comply with the 2016 Regulations. The QRF does this by setting out the core regulatory requirements in a transparent way, bringing together evidence-based, national and international research and best practice in Early Years. The QRF aims to support registered providers in achieving compliance with the regulations and enhance the safety and care of children who attend these services. The QRF is child-centred, with a specific focus on the quality and safety of the care provided directly to children using the services.
Tusla Early Years Inspectorate, in collaboration with the Department of Children and Youth Affairs, launched the Quality and Regulatory Framework on Wednesday the 5th of September 2018 in Dublin.
Here is a link to the Tusla website, where you will find the Quality and Regulatory Framework documents for
- Full Day Care and Part time Day Care
- Sessional Preschool
- Childminding
- Preschool Service in a Drop-in Centre
- Overnight Preschool Service (for a stand alone Overnight Service)
- Overnight Preschool Service