Early Years Child Protection Programme: Mandatory Reporting and Child Safeguarding Statements – New Requirements Dec 11th

On December 11th, the Children First Act, 2015 commenced in full placing elements of the Children First Guidance on a statutory footing. The key provisions in the Act that will affect early years services are:
– Mandated Reporting of Child Protection Concerns and child abuse over a certain threshold
– Requirement to have a Child Safeguarding Statement.

See Children First Act 2015 – Questions and Answers for Early Years Services

Please ensure your service has a copy onsite of http://www.tusla.ie/uploads/content/Children_First_National_Guidance_2017.pdf

(Please note a copy is available for Co Longford services in the offices of Longford County Childcare Committee)

Have a look at Tusla’s website for more information.





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