Consultation Meeting

Good Morning All,

The Chair of Longford County Childcare Committee, Louise Lovett, would like to extend an invitation to all owners, providers and managers of early years services in Longford to attend a Consultation Meeting on issues affecting the sector. This will be held in Longford Womens Link on June 29th from 10-12am.

In this meeting it is hoped to highlight the specific challenges facing the sector in Longford from September in addition to highlighting the existing lack of available places.

If each manager could come with the following information

  • Intention to engage with government schemes in September and expected Income gap (if any) from September, October etc.
  • Proposed future actions to ensure sustainability of the service i.e. reduce hours, close a room etc.
  • Impact of action on available places and/or on numbers of employees
  • Rates Charge and proposed action if applicable i.e. move to ECCE only

Each manager will have the opportunity to speak and provide this information, and it will be collated as the meeting progresses. The aim is to hear from every service in the county and to develop a unified County wide position that can be used to highlight the real concrete issues which will then be sent to the Department of Children and Youth Affairs, Minister Katherine Zappone etc. We plan to invite Shannonside Radio, the Longford Leader and CCC Chairs from the Region also a number of local Deputies.

Needless to say it is very important that every service is represented at this meeting to ensure maximum impact. Please register your intent to attend by clicking here.  Any queries on it, please call Lorraine on 087 7873054 or email her here.


Book Now 29th June
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