Category Archives: News

Communication issued to providers of the resumption of compliance checks on the ECCE programme from 19 April and resumption of DE Inspections for April-June.

13.04.21 Dear Provider, We are writing to you today regarding the resumption of compliance checks [...]

Development of a National Model of Parenting Support Services

A collaborative working group set up by the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and [...]

Minister O’Gorman launches the National Framework for Children and Young People’s Participation in Decision-Making

From Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth  Published on 14 April 2021 Last updated on 14 [...]

Launch of Childminding Action Plan

Save the DATE Thursday 15th April Click here to join the Webex Event (if you [...]

Minister O’Gorman recommends establishment of Joint Labour Committee for the Early Learning and Care (ELC) and School-Age Childcare (SAC) sector

From Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth  Published on 12 March 2021 Last updated on 12 [...]

LINC launches new CPD Programme for over 3,000 graduates.

Thousands of Inclusion Coordinators (INCOs) across Ireland will be offered an opportunity to further expand [...]

ELC & SAC Providers Out of Hours Covid-19 Support Helpline

The DCEDIY have established a weekend COVID-19 Support Helpline for Early Learning and Care and [...]

Minister O’Gorman announces gradual lifting of restrictions on delivery of early learning and childcare services from 08 March

From Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth  Published on 23 February 2021 Last updated on 23 [...]

TUSLA Publication of research reports 3rd February 2021

Tusla has published three reports detailing findings from inspections of Early Years Services and parent’s [...]

Early Learning and Care & School Age Care Capital Programme 2021

The Department of Children Equality Diversity Integration and Youth (DCEDIY) is pleased to announce that [...]

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