Buggy Walks

6 week walking group open to all parents, grandparents, childminders etc in the care of babies/toddlers looking to join a social group.

Longford Westmeath CYPSC in collaboration with Longford Sports Partnership and Westmeath Sport are delighted to announce the commencement of ‘Buggy Walks’ at a number of locations across the two counties beginning on the 19th of October.

Finding it hard to get time to get out for a walk/chat. Now you can bring the buggy with you and get out for some fresh air and join a social group. This programme is open to all parents, grandparents, childminders etc in the care of babies/toddlers.

This programme will take place for 6 weeks at the below locations throughout Longford at 11-12pm.

Tuesday’s – Longford Town (The Mall, Longford)

Wednesday’s – Ballymahon

Thursday’s – Granard

When booking please choose the ticket that relates to the location you would like to join, the link is as follows https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/buggy-walks-initiative-tickets-187682351967

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