Author Archives: longford CCC

Co Longford Traveller Primary Healthcare Project

The Co Longford Traveller Primary Health Care Project (PHCP) is a health promotion project which [...]

Minister Zappone announces supports for quality improvements in the childcare sector, including €1.2m First Aid training fund

PRESS RELEASE 5.9.2018 Minister Zappone announces supports for quality improvements in the childcare sector, including [...]

Is your Child eligible for ECCE in September 2018?

Is my child eligible for the Early Childhood Care and Education (free pre-school) programme? Please [...]

September Readiness 2018/2019

Below is the key information you will need in relation to deadline dates for registrations [...]

Fit for Everyday Life

Fit for everyday life Fitness has become a lifestyle choice for many.  How great that [...]

CPD Week for Early Years Educators 20th-23rd August 2018

Visit our Training/Events Page for more details

Contract awarded to deliver IT system for the Affordable Childcare Scheme

Monday 9th July, 2018 On Friday, 6th July 2018 the Minister awarded a contract for [...]

We are moving!!!

Longford County Childcare Committee  will be moving offices into a temporary office space this weekend. During [...]

Transitions in Early Years

“Aistear and Síolta highlight the importance of supportive and smooth transitions in early childhood. A [...]

Early Years Capital Funding Announced – Great Day for Co Longford

Today is a great day for Early Years Children, Families, Educators and Childcare Providers in [...]

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