More Affordable Childcare – It Starts Now


Longford County Childcare Committee is delighted to share our locally produced video on the More Affordable Childcare Measures that will be available to all families in September. We believe in the importance of children and families gaining access to high quality affordable childcare.

Upon seeing our video Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Dr Katherine Zappone said

“Getting information out to parents is the biggest job we face ahead of the extra €19m in childcare supports starting next month. I am thrilled that Longford is leading the country in meeting that challenge. As Minister I fully support and endorse the video production produced by the Longford Childcare Committee.

By taking a strong leadership role the Longford Committee is helping to ensure that everyone entitled to supports in the county and much further afield will get them this September. Congratulations to all associated with this production.”

Should you have any queries on this new initiative please do not hesitate to contact Longford County Childcare Committee on 043 3342505

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