New Co-Payment Tool Available on the Early Years Hive


A new co-payment tool is available on the Early Years Hive. You can access the co-payment tool under individual child registrations for ECCE and NCS by expanding the yellow dropdown arrow on the registration and selecting ‘Co-payment Tool’. The co-payment tool:

• Helps providers with calculating a parent’s co-payment amount for registrations/payments for ECCE and NCS.
• Provides the ability to export the calculated co-payment details into Excel.

The co-payment is the weekly monetary amount that is the difference between the service provider’s weekly fee minus the weekly NCS subsidy rate and the ECCE subsidy. It represents the sum charged directly to the parent, who should then pay the agreed co-payment amount (including any relevant optional extras) to the service provider. For more information on the co-payment please see here.

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