Momentum maintained on Affordable Childcare

more affordable childcare

Momentum maintained on Affordable Childcare

Childcare Support Bill on Dáil Order Paper for Spring Legislative Programme


Tuesday 16th January 2018

Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Dr Katherine Zappone today (Tuesday, 16th January) welcomed the publication of the Government’s Spring Legislative Programme 2018.  In particular, she noted that the Childcare Support Bill 2017 is listed on the Dáil Order Paper and emphasised her commitment to maintaining momentum on this vital legislation.

The Childcare Support Bill 2017 was published in December 2017 and is an essential element in the continuing development of the Affordable Childcare Scheme, which will provide a new approach to supporting affordable access to quality childcare in Ireland.

Once launched, the Affordable Childcare Scheme will provide a new system of financial support to help reduce the cost of childcare for parents. Through this, it aims to improve access; assist families to return to work and training, reduce child poverty and improve outcomes for children.

Speaking about the launch of the legislative programme, Minister Zappone noted that:

“The Childcare Support Bill builds on a lot of initiatives already delivered over the past eighteen months as we strive, step by step, to transform one of the most expensive childcare systems in the world into the best. Over the past two budgets I have successfully secured an increase in the State’s investment in early years by an unprecedented 80%.

Right now the families of over 66,000 children are already benefitting from the additional financial childcare supports which were introduced last September, the innovative Access and Inclusion Model for children with disabilities is up and running and free pre-school education for all 3-year olds has been extended to two years from next September.

We have also ended decades of uncertainty by commencing mandatory reporting as part of the full roll out of the Children First Act 2015. These important initiatives are child centred, progressive and will leave a tangible legacy for our children and our society for years to come .”

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