Insights – Quality in Early Years Education

DES-Insights Webinar Series

From Department of Education and Skills 

Published at: 10 July 2020

Last updated 10 July 2020 Image: Insights


Welcome to the Insights webinar series. Each of these short webinars will take around 15 minutes to review. They have been developed by the Inspectorate of the Department of Education and Skills and are designed to share the findings, ideas and examples of effective practice that have been gathered during inspection visits to thousands of diverse early years education settings across Ireland since 2016. These settings are primarily Early Learning and Care (ELC) settings providing the Early Childhood and Care Education (ECCE) Programme of free preschool funded by the Department of Children and Youth Affairs (DCYA). The webinars also draw on evaluations carried out in other early years education settings in primary schools. Inspections are informed by our Guide to Early Years Education Inspections and by Looking at Our School 2016 A Quality Framework for Primary Schools .

Through inspection, we have gathered a very comprehensive set of information on the scope and nature of the provision and practice in early learning and care settings in Ireland. This unique set of information has been analysed and combined with wider research evidence on best practice in relation to a range of themes drawn from our inspection quality frameworks. A list of useful references to additional resources and materials is provided at the end of each webinar.

In recognition and support of the fact that early years education is a collaborative endeavour that requires strong partnership across all learning contexts including home, ELC/preschool and primary school, each theme in the Insights webinar series will contain webinars for Parents, Early Years Practitioners and teachers in Primary schools. The core messages in each webinar are the same but we have tailored our advice and guidance to each particular audience.

Thank you for your interest and engagement with our work. We hope that you will find these Insights webinars informative and interesting. Our common goal of providing high-quality early learning experiences for all young learners is greatly enhanced when we all work together.

If you have any comments, ideas or suggestions regarding the webinars, or future webinars, please contact us know through the dedicated email address

Insights – Transitions

Transitions – a focus on Covid-19

Transitions- a focus on Covid-19

Transitions – a focus on early years practitioners

Transitions- focus on Early Years Practitioners

Transitions – a focus on parents

Transitions- a focus on parents

Transitions – a focus on primary school teachers

Transitions- a focus on the primary school teacher
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