Fit for Everyday Life

brain gym

Fit for everyday life

Fitness has become a lifestyle choice for many.  How great that is – I can’t disagree! From reality TV shows to gym promotions, Sports Partnership initiatives – everywhere you look there’s Lycra, bikes, sportswear and equipment, Pilates and Yoga classes… online exercise and nutrition programs, not to mention MAMILS (middle-aged men in Lycra).    It can’t be avoided.  My local department store has moved most of its products upstairs to bring sportswear and equipment to the fore.  Can’t see how well they will do as there are many other sports outlets nearby.  But they are well informed by marketers and I’m sure it’s the right thing for the business.

I am a huge supporter of being fit and follow a fitness routine of my own.  I know how important it is if diagnosed with a serious illness or in the unfortunate event of an accident.  Recovery is much faster and better if the patient is fit – no matter what age.  All of this is fantastic – fitness should be mandatory with offences punished by 5k park runs for Charity every weekend for a year!!

Brain fitness

But STOP…. We are forgetting something – or soon will forget.  What about our brain fitness?  Your brain is an organ, a muscle, a working part.  So what if your brain doesn’t get its exercise, its daily run or sit-ups?.  Brains can become lazy, can be unfit and slow down to a point where it’s just ticking over, only doing what is absolutely necessary to get through the day and reluctantly so.  Young children are learning every day, doing different things – exploring and problem-solving – their brain is developing and being used, thus developing more.  On it goes through schooldays, college, constantly learning and having new experiences.  The brain is in top gear.  But as work and or family life takes over, priorities change and learning may slow down.  No need to read a newspaper as it’s easier to read online or listen online.   There’s so much news that many of us switch off from it.

It is worthwhile to stop and consider this – forgetfulness may creep into your life.  Of course, it is natural for this to happen to some extent but when it becomes noticeable and starts to impact on your life it is time to act.  So what does one do?  You get your brain working again.  It doesn’t have to be a chore- build it into your life, do something you enjoy.  Maybe get back to reading, learning a language or to play an instrument.  The possibilities are endless. I want to have optimum brain health into my old age.  Some of the things I do; when shopping, I add up the prices of the items I put in the trolley. ( I’ m delighted when it adds up to the total at the till.)  I joined my local ukulele group and find that I really enjoy the music and the social side while learning lots of new chords, songs and playing. Preparing for an event is exciting and teamwork really kicks in.  Joining a singing group or bridge club, doing crosswords and Sudoku are some other ways to engage your brain. You can get so much more out of these activities than brain health.   Life can be busy but do make a conscious decision to give time each day or week to take care of your brain….it’s the only one you have.   – It’s a no-brainer!!

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