Current Student Application Process Early Years Sector

Under the Child Care Act 1991 (Early Years Services) Regulations 2016, all staff working directly with children in a pre-school service must hold at least a Level 5 major award in early childhood care and education on the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ), or a qualification that the Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth has deemed to be equivalent.

The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth has published a list of qualifications that meet both regulatory and funding requirements for working in early learning and care services. The list can be found at this link:

DCEDIY Early Years Recognised Qualifications

To be approved to practise in the sector, an individual’s studies must be of a standard at least at level 5 on the Irish National Framework of Qualifications NFQ (or equivalent) and must include the following content:

  • Child development for children aged 0-6.
  • Early childhood education – theory and practice.
  • Child health and welfare for children aged 0-6.
  • Evidence that the qualification contains a supervised practicum/practice placement working in an early learning and care setting.

Current Student requirements:

Current Students must hold a letter of Eligibility to Practice from the Minister of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth in order to practice in the sector, regardless of whether their chosen course is on the list of recognised qualifications

A current student, must at time of application, be undertaking a course that is on the DCEDIY list of recognised qualifications. The list can be found at: DCEDIY Early Years Recognised Qualifications

In order to obtain a letter of Eligibility to Practice, a current student must apply to the Minister of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth for that letter.

Please note that as a current student, the highest level Eligibility that can be awarded is at minimum regulatory requirement level.

 Application Process current student requirements:

The current student must apply to DCEDIY for letter of Eligibility to practice.  The application must include the following:

  • A fully completed signed application form (a typed name will not suffice).  The application form can be accessed at the following link:
  • A letter from the Educational Institution which specifically states that the applicant is continuing their studies
  • Full academic transcripts for each year of course completed so far
  • Evidence of work practice/experience with children aged 0-6 as part of applicants studies which includes dates and location of that work


Recognition of an Early Years Qualification

Under the Child Care Act 1991 (Early Years Services) Regulations 2016, all staff working directly with children in a pre-school service must hold at least a Level 5 major award in early childhood care and education on the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ), or a qualification that the Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth has deemed to be equivalent.

The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth has published a list of qualifications that meet both regulatory and funding requirements for working in early learning and care services. The list can be found at this link:

If an individual’s qualification does not appear on the list, an individual can apply to the Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth to have it assessed for equivalence.

To be approved to practise in the sector, an individual’s studies must be of a standard at least at level 5 on the Irish National Framework of Qualifications NFQ (or equivalent) and must include the following content:

• Child development for children aged 0-6.

• Early childhood education – theory and practice.

• Child health and welfare for children aged 0-6.

• Evidence that the qualification contains a supervised practicum/practice placement working in an early learning and care setting.

Application Process Requirements:

  • A fully completed application form (below).
  • A copy of the award certificate for your qualification.
  • Full academic transcripts for your qualification.
  • Evidence of supervised practicum as part of your studies with ages of children placement was completed with; and/or
  • Evidence of professional practice. This could be a reference from an employer which must be relevant to early years with details of the ages and activities undertaken.
  • DCEDIY may ask for further information or documents before making a decision
  • Please clearly mark your documents with your Name and description of each attachment e.g. Application_First Name_ Surname, Certificate_First Name_Surname, Transcripts/Modules_First Name_Surname, References etc . We are dealing with a very large volume of applications and this will help in the process.

Additional Notes:

  • Applications take several weeks to process and are dealt with strictly in order of receipt; DCEDIY cannot prioritise one application over another.
  • Due to GDPR applications can only be accepted from the person who holds the qualification to be assessed and cannot be accepted from a third party (such as an employer or prospective employer).
  • Information about the status of an application cannot be provided to a third party.
  • Please sign and date the application form (unsigned forms cannot be accepted).
  • Documents must be in English or Irish, any documents not originally in English or Irish must be accompanied with a certified translation to English or Irish.
  • Applications without supporting documentation will not be accepted.
  • DCEDIY cannot access external drives such as Google drive. Only PDF/JPEG documents can be accepted.
  • DCEDIY will issue a Letter of Eligibility to Practice in respect of successful applications.

Application Form: Qualification Recognition for work in the Early Learning and Care sector in Ireland   Download here



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