Early Outdoors

Outdoor play Longford Childcare Committee

We know that there are plenty of benefits to getting outdoors and that it is really important that we give the children in our services an early outdoors experience as much as possible.

Why early outdoors?

Sure don’t we do it all inside anyway, I hear you say? Well to name a few, being outdoors children get to experience nature at first hand, they get to be more physically active knocking of the cobwebs as such and experience activities in a new context or larger scale which is different to what they experience indoors.

So, why then are we sometimes reluctant to get outdoors?

-The weather….in Ireland we love blaming the weather, it’s too wet or windy or hot. As I write this it is teeming down outside no day for going outside so I open the windows to let the outside in. We need to make sure that we have appropriate clothing for children going outdoors such as water/windproof clothing. It’s good to have an area for shelter or shade so make sure to think about that when designing your outdoor space. Sunscreen have it to hand so that the weather can’t be an excuse.
-Ourselves…sometimes it’s us adults that don’t want to go outside. We need to also have appropriate clothing for ourselves so that we can be actively involved in children’s early outdoors experiences and not just spectators cuddle up along the side line. This will make the learning more meaningful and we’ll enjoy being outdoors more if we are active.
-Parents…parents can have concerns about children getting cold, wet or dirty outdoors. It’s important to discuss the benefits of being outdoors with parents. Reassure them that you are prepared for the outdoors and all it’s eventualities. Get parents to provide a spare set of clothing if they are really worried. Get parents involved. Tell them about your early outdoors experiences which should remind them and bring back fond memories of their own childhood. Ask them to help gather items for your den or sensory garden then they will understand and feel apart of what their children are experiencing.

sand playoutdoorssensory playbug hotel

Get your outdoors space ready

With the start of the new preschool year it may be an opportunity to rejuvenate your outdoor area, to support new and exciting early outdoors experiences. Have a look at our video here and our Enhancing Outdoor Play A Practitioner’s Handbook which may give you some ideas. Don’t forget to upcycle, look out for items at car boot sales and accept any kind donations.

I came across Anji Play recently the internationally-recognised early childhood curriculum developed in Anji County, China who spend a lot of time outdoors have a look at their ideas here

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